nomacs 0.3.0 is out

Posted March 2, 2012 by Markus Diem ‐ 1 min read

today the official 0.3.0 nomacs was released. For now its just windows, ubuntu will be released tomorrow and all versions for other OS need a bit more time.

new features include:

  • Open with dialog
  • Image cropping
  • Resize image
  • Pseudo Color function
  • Frameless windows
  • Translations
  • Basic support for stereo images (*.mpo, *.jps, *.pns)
  • …and we polished our GUI

In addition we did some under the hood improvements

  • Full unicode support for filenames
  • Start-up time improved
  • Performance improvements for images loaded from network drives

so you see, we did a lot in the last two months : ) enjoy the new nomacs

– the nomacs team