nomacs 2.2

Posted November 11, 2014 by Markus Diem ‐ 1 min read

you know we like numbers… so we release nomacs 2.2 on 11.11. This version fixes a few issues you reported and adds cool features such as reading images from zip (docx, xlsx, pptx) archives, or a full metadata panel. The full changelog is:

  • Reading images from ZIP (+ Office Documents e.g. docx, xlsx, pptx)
  • Metadata panel (displays all metadata of an image)
  • Thumbnail panel layout (Vertical or Undock)
  • Notes (you can now take and display notes which are written to the image metadata)
  • Private mode which does not save any settings including recent files
  • Option which disables check for updates
  • Option which disables logging of recent files/folders
  • Additional RAW files added (including Pentax [PEF], Samsung [SRW], Hasselblad [3FR] and Sigma [X3F])
  • JPG2000 read/write fixed for large files (windows with setup only)
  • Resize dialog fixes
  • File order fixed for Linux/Unix
  • Segfault fixed if ‘fast thumbnail preview’ is checked
  • Saving images without extension (linux only) fixed

— the nomacs team