Support nomacs

Posted September 30, 2015 by Markus Diem ‐ 1 min read

nomacs 3 will be released with a brand new & shiny installer. Therefore and for other reasons we will leave sourceforge. To guarantee fast downloads, we will rent a webspace which costs around 50€ (~56.085$). Now we face two options:

  1. Google AdSense which adds ads to this webpage resulting in an ugly page
  2. You donate

If you donate 50€ until the end of 2015, this page keeps its simple white UI and no ads are added until the end of 2016. There are three ways how to keep an ad-free interface:

  1. a rich contributor donates 50€
  2. every 100th download 2€ are donated
  3. every 100th visitor donates 50 cents

be part of it:

thank you

— the nomacs team

[UPDATE]: we have reached our goal of 50€ – thanks to all donators! As promised, will remain free from ads and nomacs 3.0 will be hosted on a new server which drastically improves the update process.

Of course we will still appreciate any donations (we are far from being a big corp : )